Green Bitcoin Mining

Green Bitcoin Mining

Green Bitcoin Mining

MinerBrokers is a free referral service, and we partner with green bitcoin mining companies. Finding 100% green bitcoin mining colocation mining services remains a daunting task.

Currently, we have several green Bitcoin mining host options.

2MW British Columbia, Canada (Green hydroelectric power)

  • 8 cents kwh all in (USD)
  • 60-day install
  • MOQ 2.5MW, 24 or 36-month term, three-month deposit
  • Accept only new next-generation BTC ASIC miners – S19, M30, etc.

100MW Norway (Green hydroelectric power)

  • 9 to 14 cents (USD) kwh all in
  • Three-month deposit and 6 to 24-month terms.
  • Accept Antminers only.
  • Immediate install

10MW Indiana (85% carbon neutral power)

  • Immediate install available
  • Accept only new next-generation BTC ASIC miners – S19, M30, etc.
  • 8 to 9.5 cents (USD)packages

50MW Paraguay (Green hydroelectric power) – Vendor

  • Accept only new next-generation BTC ASIC miners – S19, M30, etc.
  • 60 – 120 installs
  • 3 cents kwh all in (unmanaged)
  • 3MW packages available for sale


Green hydroelectric power mining bitcoin

Bitcoin Mining Green hydroelectric power

Miner Brokers has Bitcoin mining solutions formed with an environmentally sustainable, cost-efficient cryptocurrency than ever before. Our green Crypto mining vendors are powered by renewable energy sources such as solar, natural gas, wind, water or natural gases that use battery technology to produce large amounts of mined coins that do not emit harmful greenhouse gases into our environment.

Production cost has been our main concern in the fast-emerging blockchain technology and cryptocurrency mining industry. We are working towards solving this issue using our knowledge of low-cost green energy mining solutions that vendors can use at a larger scale and still maximize efficiency. Most of our packages offer self-sustainable and innovative green Bitcoin mining farms. We also provide the latest and cheap solutions for large-scale blockchain networks while being mindful our surroundings.

Solar Bitcoin Mining

Green and Solar Crypto mining industries are building effective environmentally sustaining mining networks to offer solid services for a more sustainable future. We need more people to embrace solar and hydro systems to alleviate the influence of decentralized blockchain systems.

Solar and hydro systems solutions for institutional investors offer high-performance and environmentally responsible blockchain computing through renewable power systems that can power themselves or cut down high electricity consumption costs within Bitcoin investments.

Having renewable systems that self-power has been made possible by solar panels on rooftops that produce clean energy that reduces fossil fuels used by conventional electric Bitcoin mining hosting businesses that have no intention to be environmentally safe.

Energy-Efficient Bitcoin Mining


What is Cryptocurrency mining?

Cryptocurrency mining is verifying transactions by adding them to a public ledger. Miners must fix complex computing issues because they get paid with cryptocurrency as their dues for work done. Therefore, these blockchain miners are the backbone of cryptocurrencies who keep it running smoothly by confirming transactions over multiple computers.[nodes]

Cryptocurrency mining is a thriving industry with exponential demand for power in a cryptocurrency. Similarly, the need for computing power is skyrocketing. On the other hand, the use of blockchain technology continues to grow, and this growth will continue to feed rising energy consumption unless we do something about it.

What is Blockchain for?

Blockchain technology is very fresh, and we’re still trying to understand its true potential. But one thing is certain: Blockchain revolutionary invention promises significant changes in all industries, from banking and payments to elections or real estate transactions. The early signs point towards an exciting future filled with possibilities.

Reach out to us today to learn more about the available green mining colocation hosting options. Also, don’t hesitate to get in touch with Miner Brokers today to learn more about sustainable solar and green Crypto mining solutions.